About Our Lake Town POA

The Association
The mission of the Our Lake Town POA is to protect and preserve the health and beauty of Our Lake.

The organization was founded in 1953. Our Lake Town POA utilizes a broad range of activities and initiatives to raise awareness of the threats of invasive species in our waters and woodlands, including both aquatic and terrestrial invasives. If invasive species are discovered in our area, the organization volunteers work with property owners and government agencies to fight the spread of invasive species which pose a threat to the ecological health and beauty of our area.

Our Lake Town POA implements and supports many projects which protect the environment and benefit the community:
  • prevent spread of invasive aquatic species by staffing Our Lake each summer who monitor local boat ramps. These stewards educate boaters about the threats of invasive species, and inspect boats and trailers for potential invasive species.
  • operate a free boat-wash station (on RT 30 northbound) to prevent introduction of invasive species to our lakes. 
  • survey water near lake shorelines by volunteer lake shore monitors to watch for invasive plant species
  • professional testing of lakes for invasive species and weeds
  • collect scientific data related to lake health, in coordination with Our State, to monitor the long-term trends in the ecological health of lakes in our area
  • coordinate and fund educational programs and field trips for local middle school students to expand their awareness and knowledge of lake ecology and invasive species. Each year, all the 7th-8th-9th grade students at Our Lake Town Central School participate in lake health research projects, presentations, and an all-day field trip to encourage them to be proactive in protecting their town and lakes.
  • spread information to raise awareness of invasive species threats in our area, including both aquatic and terrestrial plant and animal species
  • beautification of our town through gardens, flowers, roadside barrels, memorial benches, public dock, information kiosk, and other visually attractive amenities. Also, Our Lake Town POA is a continuing supporter of the Ambulance Corp, Health Center, Fire Department, Senior Citizens Center, Library, and other civic minded organizations for the betterment of our community.

Our Lake Town POA is keenly aware that the economic vitality of our town and its people are directly tied to the health and purity of our lakes. All residents and visitors within the community are encouraged to become members of Our Lake Town POA to help support the mission and operations of the organization. If you are not already a member of Our Lake Town POA, please click on “New Members” under “Membership” to join our organization. Your membership fee helps to support all of our programs.


The Association

The organization was founded in 1953. Our Lake Town POA utilizes a broad range of activities and initiatives to raise awareness of the threats of invasive species in our waters and woodlands, including both aquatic and terrestrial invasives. If invasive species are discovered in our area, the organization volunteers work with property owners and government agencies to fight the spread of invasive species which pose a threat to the ecological health and beauty of our area.


  • prevent spread of invasive aquatic species by staffing Our Lake each summer who monitor local boat ramps. These stewards educate boaters about the threats of invasive species, and inspect boats and trailers for potential invasive species.
  • operate a free boat-wash station (on RT 30 northbound) to prevent introduction of invasive species to our lakes. 
  • survey water near lake shorelines by volunteer lake shore monitors to watch for invasive plant species 
  • professional testing of lakes for invasive species and weeds
  • collect scientific data related to lake health, in coordination with Our State, to monitor the long-term trends in the ecological health of lakes in our area 
  • coordinate and fund educational programs and field trips for local middle school students to expand their awareness and knowledge of lake ecology and invasive species. Each year, all the 7th-8th-9th grade students at Our Lake Town Central School participate in lake health research projects, presentations, and an all-day field trip to encourage them to be proactive in protecting their town and lakes.
  • spread information to raise awareness of invasive species threats in our area, including both aquatic and terrestrial plant and animal species
  • beautification of our town through gardens, flowers, roadside barrels, memorial benches, public dock, information kiosk, and other visually attractive amenities. Also, Our Lake Town POA is a continuing supporter of the Ambulance Corp, Health Center, Fire Department, Senior Citizens Center, Library, and other civic minded organizations for the betterment of our community. 

Our Lake Town POA is keenly aware that the economic vitality of our town and its people are directly tied to the health and purity of our lakes. All residents and visitors within the community are encouraged to become members of Our Lake Town POA to help support the mission and operations of the organization. If you are not already a member of Our Lake Town POA, please click on “New Members” under “Membership” to join our organization. Your membership fee helps to support all of our programs.